Wishlist on steam if you like it - wishlist on steam

Roguelike top-down horde survival deck builder.  With 60 cards and 25 relics you can break the game in spectacular ways and you will have to do it to beat it.

Feedback and suggestions are very welcome! Join the discord to report bugs and suggest changes - https://discord.gg/2mUdh5tk

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Love this game, I think I play it daily. :)

That is music to my ears :) Right now the updates stopped as im working on UI and the look of the game in general but they should start coming in a bit


Is there a limit on max mana? Highest i've gotten to is 9 so far.

Right now you can only get 4 Cheese relics, but you might be able to get more in the shop, and then there are 2 cards that give mana. There is no hard cap on max mana right now (and there will probably never be). Im planning to add more relics that increase max mana but all of them (including Cheese) will have some kind of a draw back cuz +1 max mana might be a bit too strong for a relic

(1 edit)

How do you feel about the new random events (Enchantment table, the boulder and commanders with auras)? and do you like that boses are random and appear in regular stages instead of being in arenas at 5,10 and 15th stage?

I like the random events but I feel they need to be tweaked to be more balanced. Sometimes it's literally impossible to save the table. The boulder is super goofy and I love it. I wish bleed/poison worked on it but it's a rock so I get it. The commanders are really cool, no notes!

I don't mind it but I would def prefer the bosses be regular instead of random. Sometimes you get a commander on top of the boss and that can be tough. Also if you kill the boss first it will just delete the commander and you don't get an item. 

Random aside but I find myself wanting the first room to always be a relic because I don't have any cards yet. Next room re-rolls would be nice.

I like the new title screen too!

Great to hear! i'm planning to add more events at some point so they are less repetitive.
Yeah, saving the table is impossible sometimes but i don't know how to make it easier to protect, maybe make it easier to push around? (you could push it out of the way of enemies easier).

I will experiment some more with the bosses. Would you prefer just the sequence of bosses be regular? (Ogre -> beholder -> Death Knight) or reverting the fact that the bosses spawn in regular rooms as well?
When i moved them to the regular rooms I could reduce their HP and they became less boring since you had a lot more to think about and they were less of bullet sponges, also i like the horde levels more myself, so it seemed like a win-win.

Having to try to kill the commander before the boss is an additional risk and reward choice that the player has to make which i personally like.

That being said i agree that it has become a lot more random, but i guess you could expect that from The Tower of Jank? :D

I also want the relics first even after the rest sites started giving stats, so i might have to make it so that the first level is always relics to prevent re-rolling, or just remove the campfire from floor 0

Also, I forgot to ask -  how is the new kill all level for you?
Oh and what were you doing with 9 mana anyway? :D

I can't get past the few levels after the second boss. I either get spammed by green projectiles or the vampires teleport in front of me and I die.

I really enjoy the game though! I'd love to see more stuff added to this. I've put quite a bit of time into it while at work, lol.

One of the main things I'd like to see added is some sort or reroll or ban option when getting enough XP to choose a new card

1 hidden mechanic that I didn't know how to explain in-game is that if you skip a card it will reduce the amount of xp needed for the next level, so you can kinda force some build, maybe this will help.

Adding some kind of reroll items is also a good idea:

  • reroll cards
  • reroll next stage options
  • reroll relic rewards / shop
(1 edit)

I'm delighted that you enjoyed it!
Yeah, the third stage monsters can be a bit unfair, especially vampires in the ambush room, will have to do something about it. 

I plan to add a lot to the game - 3 unique characters (mage and druid summoner) and more of pretty much everything else, but first, I want to nail down the game's core mechanics. 


That's awesome! I appreciate your work!

The game is *really* fun. I've been playing it quite a bit. If you have any questions I'd love to help!

I have a million questions, answer as many as you'd like :D

  1. What builds did you try? (which of them did you like/dislike)
  2. What parts of the game were poorly explained/unclear?
  3. Were there any card interactions that you thought would work(but didn't) or would work differently than you expected?
  4. Which stage is your favorite and which is your least favorite? (survive/ kill all/ elites/ ambush)
  5. Are the bosses sufficiently challenging/ fun to play against? (do you have any ideas how to improve them?)
  6. If you could add a card/relic/enemy/boss what would it be?
  7. What bugs did you encounter?

1. I've tried a couple different builds but the one I keep coming back to is thrown axes/spears. It seems easier to stay alive and also deal damage and I also love that the upgraded axe is free :). I only tried a scrap build once but felt the payoff wasn't worth making your whole deck around it. 

2. when choosing the next room I don't know what "decrease enemy interruption by -33%" means. 

3. not that i can think of

4. Elites/Ambush are my fav, kill all is my least favorite mainly just because it takes longer.

5. first boss yes, 2nd boss idk. depending on the build when the beholder makes flys and then the flys swarm you it can be really hard to deal with.

6. maybe a relic that adds bleed/poison to all your attacks so it's not dependant on you drawing your bleed/poison cards.

7. when fighting the beholder sometimes the flys will push you outside the arena if you're too close to the wall. I've killed the boss while stuck outside and there's no way to get back in so I had to reset.

Thanks for the feedback.

  1. The axes/spears are the most straightforward but can struggle with survivability. Did you know that if you use Returning projectiles with Throw hammer  it will also start rotating around you(like axes)? Have you tried some kind of melee build? Melee builds work well with "Size matters" and "More power" supports and rusty sword relic (or fragile weapons support) is also really fun on them. Also, sword trap is really fun as well, gl hf :D
  2. Enemies are interrupted for 0.2 - 0.5 seconds (depending on the enemy) on hit. They stop moving and stop attacking. If you reduce their interruption to 0% they will not be interrupted at all which can cause problems (you can see the current stat by pressing "Toggle enemy stats"
  3. I completely agree, kill all is a bit too slow
  4. It might be a bit hard to balance, but i have plans to add bleed on crit relic
  5. I'm aware of this bug and for some reason can't get rid of it  ðŸ˜… but it's a critical issue so I will have to do something about it

Quite fun!  only made it to floor 11, but I'll probably play it again sometime.

Love to hear it! what build did you have?

Spears, mostly.  It was my first run so I misread the throw-on-pickup card and thought it was better than it was, and I took a bit of everything just to see how it worked.

Yeah, i have to work on descriptions. 
Also was wondering what did you die to? And what seemed most unfair/unfun in the game?

I suspect I died to being forced to take 78% knockback reduction twice (both doors had the same drawback).  A lot of my damage was from rings of knockback damage combined with the sweeping spear attack throwing spears off the ground and the divine armor knockback.  It seems like that's probably set because both times it was a boss fight.    On the actual level I died on it looked like there was suddenly a solid field of skeleton enemies over the entire map, but I assume that's because my damage output was too low and the second enemy wave spawned while the first one was still taking damage.

Regarding what I didn't like, I'm not a huge fan of the controls, but I'd say its fine overall.

I really appreciate the feedback! The skeletons spawn a skull on death and then you need to hit it or else the skeleton will respawn and it is also quite tanky so it's not a fun enemy to face if your damage isn't that great. I will think of how to change it in the future. Also i will make it so that negative modifiers cant be the same.